It also works just fine in Windows under Boot Camp (after downloading and installing the Boot Camp drivers from the ATI/AMD website). It also performs quite a bit better than the older officially compatible cards. I too purchased one from a local Apple Store and installed it in my original Mac Pro (running OS X 10.6.7), so I can state for a fact that this card does work just fine, and it doesn't require any hacking (no drivers to install, no firmware to be flashed) - it just works right out of the box. Although it is not listed as being officially compatible (and therefore not officially supported), there are numerous accounts in the Apple online store from customers who have reported that the ATI Radeon HD 5770 works just fine out-of-the-box in their original Mac Pros. That said, there is at least one other card that is currently (as of Summer 2011) available that will work in an original Mac Pro. But the bottom line is that it is not really possible to purchase these cards anymore (except for the super-expensive Quadro FX and maybe a small quantity of the others that can be found used on Amazon or eBay). There are various non-Apple versions of the above, which may or may not work in a Mac Pro, depending on firmware compatibility (sometimes it is possible to program a Mac-compatible version of the firmware into a non-Apple card's non-volatile flash, thus enabling the use of a non-Apple version in the Mac Pro). I believe most, if not all, of the above officially supported cards are all Apple-specific variants. Apple no longer sells any of these cards, except the Quadro FX family (which is super-expensive and not consumer-oriented). Unfortunately, most are not particularly available any more. These are the only cards that are supported in an original Mac Pro. The officially compatible video cards for the original (1,1) Mac Pro are: "Available", "supported", and "will work" are three very different things.